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【电压范围】:AC220V/110V/380V/24V 50/60HZ DC24V/12V +10%到-10%
Pneumatic butterfly valve, temperature-resistant 85 ° pneumatic butterfly valve is one of the commonly used valves in industrial pipelines. Butterfly valve small size, less material, light weight, larger caliber relative to other valves more economical and affordable. The pneumatic actuator can be quickly opened and closed by rotating 90 ° , and the operation is simple. At the same time, the valve has good fluid control characteristics. When the butterfly valve is in the * open position, the disc thickness is the resistance of the medium flowing through the body, so the pressure drop generated by passing through the valve is very small, when the opening degree is about 15 ° to 70 ° , also can carry on the sensitive flow control, therefore the big caliber flow regulation, the butterfly valve has the big advantage. It is not suitable for the process medium with particle and high temperature. Valve body material: ball valve, 304,316, UPVC plate material: 304,316,316L, nylon plate, aluminum bronze, ductile iron nickel plating, 2507 sealing seat: NBR, EPDM, PTFE pressure grade: 1.6 MPA structure: DN25-DN1000 Type: A, Lt Lug type: clamp (voltage range) : AC220V/110V/380V/24V 50/60HZ DC24V/12V + 10% to -10% temperature range: NBR: -30-80 ° CEPDM: -30-120 ° CPTFE: -30-130 ° C pneumatic actuator: dual-acting, single-acting [ pneumatic accessories ] : reverse solenoid valve, limit switch, air filter relief valve, electrical positioner, hand wheel machine
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