The inner opening oval manhole is a safety device commonly used in industrial production. It is mainly installed on the top of the storage tank. In order to prevent the gas from causing excessive pressure on the storage tank under the condition of uncontrolled It is generally used together with related devices such as flame arresters and breathing valves.
Since this product is installed on the lower body ring of the oil tank, leakage prevention is particularly important. It is required that the joint surface of the two flanges must ensure its straightness and no floating twist phenomenon. The reinforcement plate and flange should be cut on the whole steel plate as far as possible without splicing. There are sealing rings on the flange and cover plate, and special attention should be paid to protection during construction. 3mm thick asbestos rubber gasket is used for sealing, no cracking is allowed. When installing the tightening bolts on the manhole cover, apply force in pairs to prevent the hole cover from being deformed.
If it is unavoidable to disassemble, the relevant technicians must remember to make necessary marks on it before disassembly, in order to fit the original position as much as possible to prevent the occurrence of oil in the oil tank during the second installation. Leakage, pay attention to uniform force when fixing to prevent leakage accidents caused by uneven force.
Commonly used surface treatment methods for inner opening elliptical manholes:
1. Matte inside and outside: The requirements for such manholes are relatively low, and there is no need to achieve a mirror effect. According to the customer's requirements and the effect achieved.
2. Pickling treatment: This kind of manhole is mainly used for industrial grade. The surface can be directly washed with acid, no other treatment is required. Like many construction sites, this is commonly used and relatively inexpensive.
3. Inside and outside mirror: This kind of manhole is mainly used for high-demand equipment such as food and dairy products. Bright inside and out, the surface is mirror-like and looks beautiful and
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