1, BPE elbow valve packing gland bolts should be tightened evenly, should not be pressed askew state, so as not to hurt the stem block movement or cause leakage.
2. BPE elbow ball valve, globe valve, gate valve use, only for full open or full closed, do not allow to adjust the flow, so as not to seal surface erosion, accelerated wear. There is an inverted sealing device in the gate valve and the upper threaded globe valve, and the hand wheel is screwed to the upper position to prevent the medium from leaking from the packing place.
3. BPE elbow in the use of the process, should always keep clean, transmission threads need to lubrication on schedule, found fault, should immediately stop using, find out the reasons to clear the fault.
4. When installing, the stainless steel elbow can be installed directly on the pipeline according to the connection mode, and installed according to the position used. In general, can be installed in any position in the pipeline, but to facilitate the operation of the inspection, pay attention to cut-off stainless steel elbow media flow should be longitudinal disc below the upward flow, stainless steel elbow can only be installed horizontally. The installation of stainless steel elbow to pay attention to sealing, to prevent flooding leakage phenomenon, affect the normal operation of the pipeline.
5. BPE elbow application handwheel, do not use levers or other tools, so as not to damage the valve. The handwheel rotates clockwise to close and vice versa to open. Son, ah, must be fair when using, and ensure accurate methods and means of use.
6. Long-term storage of stainless steel elbow, should be regularly inspected, often exposed to the processing surface should be kept clean, remove dirt, neatly stored indoors ventilated dry place, no stacking or open storage. Always keep the stainless steel elbow dry and ventilated, keep the cleaner and tidy, in accordance with the accurate storage method.
安徽利勒洁净设备科技有限公司是国内专业生产制造洁净卫生级阀门管件,主要应用于食品机械行业、制药机械行业、乳制品行业、酿酒饮料行业以及精细化工等行业高精度卫生级流体设备的专业生产厂家,产品规格齐全;产品主要有:制药用不锈钢卫生级BPE弯头生产厂家,无菌隔膜阀,卡箍直通隔膜阀,三通隔膜阀,法兰隔膜阀,气动隔膜阀,U型隔膜阀,罐底隔膜阀 ;无菌球阀,卡箍直通球阀,螺纹球阀,焊接球阀,气动球阀,法兰球阀,电动球阀;卫生级蝶阀,焊接蝶阀,卡箍直通蝶阀,螺纹蝶阀,法兰蝶阀,气动蝶阀,电动蝶阀;不锈钢卫生泵,不锈钢卫生级离心泵,不锈钢卫生自吸泵,不锈钢酒精防爆泵,卫生奶泵,卫生饮料泵;止回阀,过滤器、呼吸器、换向阀、防混阀、安全阀;卫生级不锈钢管件,焊接弯头,快装弯头,不锈钢三通,快装三通,四通,真空弯头,大小头;罐顶组件系列,不锈钢储罐,发酵罐,不锈钢卫生级人孔,清洗球/器,视镜灯,排气阀等其它非标产品生产加工;我们竭诚为您服务.
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